After a hacker invasion, they can leave or take any information they want,
and they can also use your computer or network for any purpose,
including using it as a jumping point to invade other computers or networks.


The standout feature of our Intrusion Detection and Prevention System compared to
other similar products is its ability to confuse hackers.

For example, when a thief wants to break into a room, they usually enter through doors or windows.
But if the thief cannot find or see any doors or windows,
even though they actually exist, how can they break into the room?

Similarly, if hackers cannot find or see any points of intrusion,
even though they actually exist, how can they invade your computer or network?

This is a design concept that strikes at the source, and has been proven to be feasible,
reliable, and practical. It is highly effective in preventing hacker intrusions.


Our Web Application Firewall (WAF) intelligently blocks hackers’ intrusion with an extremely
low false-positive rate and effectively prevents zero-day vulnerability attacks,
protecting the security of the website.


Penetration testing (or pentesting) is a security exercise where a cyber-security expert attempts to find
and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system. The purpose of this simulated attack is to identify
any weak spots in a system’s defenses which attackers could take advantage of.

This is like a bank hiring someone to dress as a burglar and try to break into their building
and gain access to the vault. If the ‘burglar’ succeeds and gets into the bank or the vault,
the bank will gain valuable information on how they need to tighten their security measures.